Public Relations Consultancy
livepr is a UK-based public relations consultancy offering a broad range of services delivering fast, effective results.
Our comprehensive range of services include crisis management, full-scale public relations campaigns, media liaison, strategic planning, campaign development, business-to-business liaison, social media, brand promotion, targeted networking, event management, report, speech and feature writing, advertising from creation to media buying, marketing and telemarketing.
But while these are the staple PR offering, we pride ourselves on being dynamic, imaginative and innovative; and we do it cost-effectively.
We are proud of our public relations work across the different sectors of industry and commerce, the public sector, as well as charities and entertainment. We believe this gives us a wider view, allowing us to apply lessons learnt in one sector into another, avoiding becoming blinkered in our approach.
- We always view situations objectively.
- We always listen to our clients.
- We always think in terms of value — not price.
- We only hire people who have fire.
And importantly, we do all we can at all times effectively to promote our clients online.
While we are not overall a niche consultancy we do have extensive experience in specialist sectors. For examples please visit Technology, Government and Political, Property, Recruitment Training and HR.
Our client base extends throughout the United Kingdom and Europe, as well as Asia, Australia, the Middle East and North America ( livepr is an approved US Commercial Service Business Service Provider).
Our talented consultants positioned throughout the UK, and our associates in more than 40 key cities around the world, have been chosen for their extensive experience and their proven track record of success, along with their knowledge of local conditions and locations.
We listen to our clients – and then take positive action.
livepr delivers media exposure in a very targeted way. We work closely with clients not just to meet and develop their strategic expectations, but to help them understand where we can take them in the wider context.
We ensure that campaigns are always integrated closely with other promotional and commercial developments, and that every opportunity is capitalised upon to develop awareness. This places us at the forefront of innovative public relations.